Monday, April 28, 2014

Brunswick Street Community Garden Tulip Time

Early spring is a beautiful time in the garden. We're located next to an enormous stone wall (an abandoned railroad embankment) that does a great job of storing the heat of the sun and warming our soil a few days ahead of everyone else. This makes our early bloomers do their thing even earlier. Two weeks ago I snapped these photos of some of my favorites: tulips. 

I planted these petite, pointy petaled pink tulips two falls ago. 

A neighboring plot puts on a great show of multicolored blooms every spring. The gardener who planted these bulbs has long since relocated to upstate New York, but her flowers live on in Jersey City. 

These dark pink on the inside and light pink on the outside blooms look like they're glowing when the sun hits them. They're a new favorite. 


Anonymous said...

Tulips definately add a lot to the gardens. The colours are wonderful!

Mao Mao Kitty said...

I couldn't agree more! I'm also a big fan of tulips as cut flowers in the home.