We've had so many adventures together that it's hard to believe I spent the first 23 years of my life without some cats running around. Here are some photo memories from the past couple of years that I'd like to share.
Mao Mao sunbathes next to a much younger and healthier jade tree. Cha Cha spent so much time climbing the poor plant as a kitten that it never quite recovered. If you ask Mao Mao, I think she'd tell you that Cha Cha changed quite a few things in our household.
Mao Mao stretches out on the old futon cover. Her spotty eye is almost completely brown today and I think she's a couple pounds more lovable.
One of Cha Cha's first weekends with Sharon was filled with excitement. At one point Sharon walked out of our bedroom with a very happy Cha Cha in her arms.
Cha Cha shows us how comfortable a Kim Lounger can be for an afternoon nap.
In Other News:
It snowed 2 inches yesterday morning and then it was all gone by noon.