Thursday, November 17, 2011

Mao Mao Haus

Mao Mao is the proud owner of a brand new home located in the Living Room District of Kim and Josh Town. It's a single story, one kitty dwelling with vaulted ceilings, numerous windows, and wall-to-wall carpeting. Mao Mao loves spending time in her new home relaxing, taking baths, and defending her territory from The Pink Mice Cavalry and numerous invasions from The Black Feather Creature. You might not be able to read her expression. She's saying, "I love it here."

Friday, November 4, 2011

Tidy Up the Plot



I pulled the tomato plants, staked the peach tree (spindly thing in the pot), and said goodbye to one of the giant marigolds. I left the carrots and beets until next week. After clearing away some of the overhanging fig tree, I'm hoping the sunshine will encourage them to grow a bit more. I will add compost to the soil before the ground freezes. I swear.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011